Watch Sound Healing

Sacral Chakra Sound Healing – Release Distorted Feminine Within, Embrace Sacred Divine Feminine 🧡

Sacral Chakra Sound Healing – Release Distorted Feminine Within, Embrace Sacred Divine Feminine

Sacral Chakra Sound Healing - Release Distorted Feminine Within, Embrace Sacred Divine Feminine 🧡

Sacral Chakra Sound Healing - Release Distorted Feminine Within, Embrace Sacred Divine Feminine 🧡

All healing sessions I share with You are healing sessions I do for my Self & record (to share with you). The music I play for my Self in the background also helps my energy flow & feel free. All healing is individual and I encourage you to find Your own unique ways to heal your Self, too. This is one expression of My healing arts and will likely resonate with Others who are in My energy realm (at any Time or Space), but will not always resonate with All (for a number of reasons). After sound healing sessions, drink water and allow Your healing as it unlocks. Accept what comes, and release what leaves.

This sound healing session focuses on our Sacral Chakra to heal, balance and cleanse this energy center. I include Tibetan Singing Bowls, Color (the Orange is not a filter, it’s light energy powered by electricity through an orange filter for us to perceive as Orange), Art (coded with healing intentions), Energy Healing & the power of strategic intentions so we can: Release Distorted Feminine Within, Embrace Sacred Divine Feminine 🧡

You can continue healing your Sacral Chakra through a variety of esoteric tools, such as additional sound healing sessions, EFT, meditation, visualization, movement, dance, stretching/Yoga, and various energetic release techniques (to name a few). Researching the Sacral Chakra can take you down truly helpful & healing rabbit holes. Trust your Self and nurture yourself like You would a beloved baby or a child. You deserve the attention 🌺

With Love, Ashley LaRae

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